MC Words: The words saving from MT and TM matches
Separate MC package: $20 per 10,000 words.
Separate MT package: $10 per 1 million characters.
Supported features
- Projects
- Groups/Teams
- Migration Assistance
- Multi-Branch Support
- Machine Translation
- Pre Translation
- TM Management
- Glossary
- Style Guide
- Automation
- Custom MT Engine
- Translation Quality Checks
- Project Activity Logs
- Bidding Projects
- Split Feature
- Live Preview(Files)
- Google Sheet
- File Drive
- Workflows
- Mars QA
- Marscat/Editor
- Mars Chat
- Email Notification
- 9+ AI Engines Available
- Rates Requests
- Team Management
- Job Assignment
Separate MC package: $20 per 10,000 words.
Separate MT package: $10 per 1 million characters.
Supported features
- Projects
- Customers
- Groups/Teams
- Migration Assistance
- Multi-Branch Support
- Machine Translation
- Pre Translation
- TM Management
- Glossary
- Style Guide
- Workflows
- Automation
- Custom MT Engine
- Translation Quality Checks
- Project Activity Logs
- Bidding Projects
- Split Feature
- Live Preview(Files)
- Google Sheet
- Mars QA
- Marscat/Editor
- Mars Chat
- Email Notification
- 9+ AI Engines Available
- Received/My Jobs
- Match Rate/Rates From Suppliers
- Team Management
- Job Assignment